Principles of leadership: How Extreme Ownership empowers teams

Principles of leadership: How Extreme Ownership empowers teams

Introduction In a world that often associates discipline with restrictions, the paradoxical idea that “Discipline equals Freedom” takes center stage in Jocko Willink and Leif Babin’s book, Extreme Ownership. Through inspiring stories and practical advice derived from their experiences in the U.S Navy Seals, the authors shed light on how leadership principles can empower teams of any size. In this […]

Book Review: Weapons of Math Destruction

Book Review: Weapons of Math Destruction

Cathy O’Neil paints a truly harrowing picture of how the promise of big data and big tech to improve the lives of everyone, might only be improving the lives of a few. Algorithms are everywhere and are increasing inequality and driving division in many parts of our lives. Cathy presents data from studies on how algorithms and data are used […]

Book Review: Build by Tony Fadell

Book Review: Build by Tony Fadell

As an engineer and maker, physical devices have a special magic to me. So when I started reading Tony Fadell’s story of making some of the most influential electronic devices of the 21st century I was hooked. Build is chocked full of practical advice for how to survive the corporate world as a passionate, creative person. I have experienced first […]

Book Review: Shift

Book Review: Shift

The second book in Hugh Howey’s Silo trilogy, Shift is an immersive and claustrophobic environment. As a Georgia native, I especially enjoyed that this series is set in rural outskirts of Atlanta. The skyline lays in ruins off in the distance, over the rolling hills of North Georgia. The timeline alternates between the past, before a catastrophic event forced a […]

Book Review: Systems Performance, Brendan Gregg

Book Review: Systems Performance, Brendan Gregg

If you are working with Linux servers of any shape or size, this is a must have book. Brendan Gregg’s Systems Performance is crammed full of valuable checklists, strategies and tools to help you debug, measure, and eliminate performance bottlenecks. The chapter on analysis and measuring methodology is worth the price alone. I used this book as a guide to […]